Linking Worlds

Here are some links to sites that I recommend, maybe because they are mine or related to my projects.  But as I discover interesting ones, I will add them here.


International Council for Philosophical Inquiry with Children
Philosophy for Children Information
NAACI Site: Note 2014 Conference info; a site devoted to promoting a community of inquiry approach within education and philosopher with/for children.
APA PLATO site: Philosophy Learning and TEaching Organization–a group dedicated to pre-college philosophy in the USA.
The American Association of Philosophy Teachers— a lively group dedicated to philosophy and the pedagogy thereof.

Other worthwhile sites [a few among a million]

alice2— for obvious reasons

Broad City— a fantastic comedy duo (dua?) based in New York City.

Beyond the Fringe on Philosophy…

Some random philosophy site of interest:
TPM online
Philosophical Outreach at Columbia University
The Stone— the blog sponsored by the New York Times on philosophical topics

 Some worthwhile blogs:

One Goat’s cup — a poet reflects on the farm

theblindseer — a writer on various topics, often Greek

Michael McClain’s writings on a number of topics are fun to read and thoughtful.