SJNY Honors Program Global trips

image of a lake in Connemara


Each year the Sophomore Honors students from the Long Island campus have the opportunity to study about a geographic and cultural part of the world in their fall semester and then travel there to experience it first hand.  In March 2018, the group visited Ireland, along with Professor emeritus Monica Brennan, a scholar of Irish History.  In May 2019 we visited Greece, one of the most beautiful and historical places on the planet.  Unfortunately we lost the opportunities to travel in 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic.

The Honors students visited Greece in 2022, 2023, and we anticipate a return in 2024. What can I say?  They love Greece! And rightly so.

Here is a sample of one of our visits. The full album of pictures can be found on Flickr.