Here are just a few of my presentations.
NAACI Conference on Respect in Vancouver, Canada in June 2012 and the recent conference in June 2014
ID-Net Conferences on Childhood and Play in July in Oxford, England.
The American Philosophical Association Eastern division meeting in December 2013, I chaired two panels and presented at the IAPC sponsored session on using literature to teach philosophy. In 2011 in Washington, DC. I presented a paper on teacher education in philosophy: changing landscapes
St. Joseph’s College 2012 Tech Conference Handouts
Here are my notes for my presentations at our conference on 5/14/12:
On Using Blackboard as a course Supplement: Tech-conf-BB-as-supplement
Here are some interesting reading that query the role of technology in higher education and business. They are not necessarily dismissive but rather, reflective:
hinder-enhance copy
link to “Is Google Making Us Stupid” by Nicholas Carr
American Association of Philosophy Teachers Conference–July/August 2010
Carolina Coastal University
Travels with Cicero–travel-presentation
Philosophical Interview Project, with Michael L. McClain–Using interviews AAPT-final
Further documents have been posted at the AAPT website.
Visit the ID-Net site for a copy of my paper (Summer 2011) on “The Camera’s Eye and I: Re-image-ing the first person singular.” Newer papers have also been added under the conferences on Childhood, Play, and the Animal/Human Bond.